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No. C080C
Designed by Kelvin Ng

Leather: 9418F/89M2-1D

TRIANGOLO chair was first released in 2016 to match Model TRIANGOLO sofa (no. 0458). The main design feature comes from the “contrast-strap pattern sewing” effect that forms a lot of triangular graphics throughout the chair.

Contrast-strap pattern sewing is a leather-crafting technique while we cut a lot of long and narrow leather straps (about 3cm wide) and then sew & stitch them with large leather pieces of different geometric shapes (such as rectangles, triangles, and so on) to create the shape and form for a particular design.

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Kelvin Ng

Kelvin Ng is one of Hong Kong leading sofa designers whose distinctive sofas and armchairs have graced the collections of preeminent European and Asian furniture companies including Weco, Cierre, Kosuga, as well as his founded brands, GIORMANI (since 1999) and KELVIN GIORMANI (since 2008).

Kelvin Ng
Keep Exploring

The sleek sofa legs can enhance the sense of interior space at your home, while the adjustable headrests take care of the varying heights of your family members.