No. 0487A
Designed by Kelvin Ng

Leather: 7517-ARMR+4CHM+CT+CT+3CHM+JXCHM

MODULI means "modules." Model MODULI is meant to be an armless model like Model PISA and Model LARGO from the 2016 Collection. The difference is that Model MODULI has an optional arm (item no. ARML or ARMR) just in case consumers prefer conventional arm-included sofas.

Product Details

Kelvin Ng

Kelvin Ng is one of Hong Kong leading sofa designers whose distinctive sofas and armchairs have graced the collections of preeminent European and Asian furniture companies including Weco, Cierre, Kosuga, as well as his founded brands, GIORMANI (since 1999) and KELVIN GIORMANI (since 2008).

Kelvin Ng